Art Gallery in Florence

Since 1822, Galleria Pietro Bazzanti holds high the traditional artisan techniques of sculpture in bronze, marble and semi-precious stones. Still today, the gallery is a hub for culture, for meetings for artists and aficionados of sculpture. On the Arno, in the heart of Florence.

News and Magazines

Monument to Victory

Victory Monument In 1925, a national competition was announced for the construction of a “Monument to Victory” in Forlì, to be inaugurated on October 30, 1932, the tenth anniversary of the “fascist revolution”. The competition was won by a figure favored by the regime, the architect and engineer Cesare Bazzani, who wanted to create a [...]

Michelangelo and the 12 Apostles

Michelangelo and the apostoles While Michelangelo was busy with the colossal sculpture of David, on April 24, 1503 the Opera del Duomo commissioned another important work: the execution of 12 marble Apostles to decorate the niches of the pillars under the dome of the Cathedral in “heroic” size, that is, about two meters and twenty [...]

Michelangelo e le sue prime sculture – Parte IV

Michelangelo e le sue prime scultureParte IV La seconda scultura che Michelangelo eseguì per l’Arca di San Domenico a Bologna è il SAN PROCOLO, alto poco meno di 60 centimetri. Lo rappresentò per quello che era, cioè un forte soldato romano cristiano martirizzato a Bologna dai Romani al tempo di Diocleziano: la tunica corta dei [...]