A selection of pictures and postcards with images of works by the Art Gallery Peter Bazzanti and Son and the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence concerning Cart of the Pioneers, the Monumental Staircase in the Vatican, the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, The Porcellino in Florence, statues and fountains for the Casino of Las Vegas Strip, the Fountain of the Broncos, as well as an overview of the Gallery and the Lungarno Corsini from ‘800 until recent times.


Bazzanti Gallery and Lungarno Corsini on vintage postcards:

Dancer by Canova. Marble sculpture for sale, Pietro Bazzanti Art Gallery, Florence, Italy

1869 – The sculpture studio of Bazzanti Brothers at Palazzo Corsini, before the transformation into an art Gallery


1875 – The Bazzanti Gallery with its four shop windows in front of the Lungarno. The first three awnings are united, it’s possible to distinguish the Bazzanti inscription on the side.



1890 – The awnings are painted with a large inscription ‘Pietro Bazzanti e F.’



1903 – A squad of soldiers pass nearby the Gallery.



Early ‘900 – The white awnings have been simplified.



Early ‘900 – On the far left, the Gallery’s awnings.



Undated – The Gallery’s awning is the only one of the Lungarno Corsini.



1928 – The four awnings are now separated.



Undated – The windows of the gallery are clearly visible, with some marble sculptures inside. The stamp in violet is coeval.



Flood of 1966 – Some days after the water subsided

The postcards are from photographs taken shortly after the installation of the monument of Jose Belloni in Montevideo (Uruguay) in 1930, melted by the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry in Florence.

See also


Le cartoline postali hanno l’immagine dello scalone monumentale fuso e montato nel 1932 dalla Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli di Firenze all’ingresso del Museo Vaticano, poco prima dell’inaugurazione.

Vedi anche


Postcards of the two bronze Chimeras of Piazza della Stazione in Arezzo, cast by Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli of Florence.

See also


As a sign of gratitude for the liberation of the city from the Germans, Count Chigi Saracini of Siena asked the Sienese sculptor Vico Consorti to create the so-called Gate of Gratitude for the Duomo of Siena. It was cast by the Fonderia Marinelli.

See also


La cartolina postale è stata stampata per la Porta Santa della Cattedrale di San Pietro in Vaticano fusa in bronzo dalla Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli di Firenze nel 1950. Ha sostituito la precedente in legno. Viene aperta dal Papa solo in occasione dei Giubilei.

Vedi anche


Replica della celebre fontana fiorentina del Porcellino del Tacca che la Galleria Bazzanti ha inviato nella città di Victoria, Canada, per ornare il Butchart Garden, di cui ne hanno fatto una cartolina.

Clicca qui


Cartoline del Caesar Palace Hotel di Las Vegas a cui la Galleria Bazzanti ha fornito gran parte delle statue di marmo di Carrara degli arredi esterni ed interni.


Testo da definire





Victory Monument

In 1925, a national competition was announced for the construction of a “Monument to Victory” in Forlì, to be inaugurated on October 30, 1932, the tenth anniversary of the “fascist revolution”.

The competition was won by a figure favored by the regime, the architect and engineer Cesare Bazzani, who wanted to create a monument that, compared to the others, had the particularity of being able to have two main sides on which to host ceremonies, one facing the public garden and the other facing the station; this characteristic was also underlined by Mussolini in the inauguration speech he gave from the balcony of the Government Palace in Piazza Saffi, saying of the monument “…on one side pity for the fallen, on the other the proud exaltation of victory…”, for which the entire work was also called Monument to the Fallen.

Architect Cesare Bazzani

Bazzani designed an important composite architectural structure completely covered in Trani marble, 32 meters high in total: a raised base with rounded shorter sides, on which three elements stand: in the center a 22-meter high Doric column whose base contains a small chapel which is entered through an iron door: from the ceiling of the chapel you can access the spiral staircase contained inside the column, which reaches the top of this; the staircase is lit by two small openings on the column itself. On the sides two parallelepipeds decorated with two bas-reliefs each, made by Bernardino Boifava, which depict the fundamental moments in the life of the heroes, that is, the attack, the defense, the sacrifice and the triumph, and on the sides that look towards the square, a fountain with a modern representing the sacrifice of Victory.

Monument to Victory

Victory Monument, base part

Victory Monument View from the early 1930s
Preparation for the inauguration of Mussolini, Bas-relief sculpture on one of the two parallelepipeds Bas-relief sculpture on one of the two parallelepipeds
One of the two side fountains Mask of a fountain

At the top, the column capital hosts a decorated round base on which is placed an important bronze sculptural group of three winged female figures representing the sky, the earth and the sea. The model was made by the sculptor Bernardo Morescalchi who entrusted the casting to the Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli of Florence. Marescalchi had previously worked with the Fonderia Artistica Marinelli for the casting of large-scale works, such as the Horses of Forlì.

The two small windows for the internal staircase Luciferous window on the top of the column Bronze of the Victory Monument
Bronze of the Victory Monument Bronze of the Victory Monument Bronze of the Victory Monument, detail
Victory Monument, detail Signature of the Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence on the base of the bronzes

The Victory Monument in the Marinelli Foundry in Florence awaiting packing

One of the two Horses modelled by Morescalchi and cast by the Ferdinando Marinelli Foundry of Florence One of the two Horses modelled by Morescalchi and cast by the Ferdinando Marinelli Foundry of Florence

In October 1932 Mussolini officially inaugurated the monument with a grand ceremony and a speech from the balcony of the Government Palace.
Later, in June 1938, King Vittorio Emanuele III, visiting Forlì, stopped at the foot of the monument and laid a wreath.

Mussolini’s visit for the inauguration of the monument Mussolini visits the Victory Monument construction sites

Mussolini’s visit for the inauguration of the monument

Mussolini’s speech from the terrace of the Government Palace in Forlì

Searching in the archives of the Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli, a letter appeared, dated April 28, 1923, following the inauguration of the Monument that the Foundry wrote to the Podestà of Forlì, in which payment was requested for “the letters for the monument la Vittoria”, for which it was still a creditor. These are the letters of the inscription applied at the top under the capital of the base of the bronzes.

Letter from the Ferdinando Marinelli Foundry

In the year 2024, the Municipality of Forlì has planned an inspection to monitor its “health”, followed by the Studio Tecnico Nerodichina of Forlì with the architect Giancarlo Gatta. The Winged Victories presented cracks and breaks; but the most peculiar thing was a series of holes that at first left scholars in doubt and only after a conversation between the architect Gatta and Ferdinando Marinelli Jr. manager of the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry was it understood that they were due to bullets from the last war.

The inscription in bronze letters under the capital of the column, detail

The inscription in bronze letters under the capital of the column

Monument Inspection 2024

Monument Inspection 2024

Bullet holes

Bullet holes

Bullet holes

Bullet holes

Michelangelo and the apostoles

While Michelangelo was busy with the colossal sculpture of David, on April 24, 1503 the Opera del Duomo commissioned another important work: the execution of 12 marble Apostles to decorate the niches of the pillars under the dome of the Cathedral in “heroic” size, that is, about two meters and twenty centimeters high. Michelangelo was supposed to deliver one a year. The arrival of the marble blocks from the Carrara quarries occurred between 1504 and 1505, and the first to be started was the St. Matthew. He managed to rough-hew only a part of it and in 1505 he left for Rome, rescinding the contract on December 18, 1505. He may have temporarily resumed the work in 1506, on his return to Florence after the quarrel with Pope Julius II and his escape from Rome.

Michelangelo, St. Matthew, Galleria dell’Accademia

Michelangelo, St. Matthew, Galleria dell’Accademia, details

Raffaello, who came to Florence in 1504 and remained until 1508, was so struck by Michelangelo’s St. Matthew that he made a study drawing of it.

Raffaello, Study for Michelangelo’s St. Matthew, British Museum, London

The saint is a powerful, vigorous figure, with a frowning face, and he seems to emerge from the not yet sculpted block, bringing forward a bare leg with a twist to the left; his chest is crossed by a band (which he will have seen when studying Donatello’s Sacrifice of Isaac of 1421) as do the Madonna in the Vatican Pietà and the Boy Archer of the French Embassy in New York.

Donatello, Sacrifico d’Isacco, 1421, Museo Opera del Duomo

Vasari in his “Vite”. Writes:

…Così abbozzata mostra la sua perfezione, ed insegna agli scultori in che maniera si cavano le figure de’ marmi, che senza venghino storpiate, per poter sempre guadagnare col giudizio, levando del marmo, ed avervi da potersi ritrarre e mutare qualcosa, come accade , se bisognassi…

…Thus sketched it shows its perfection, and teaches sculptors how to carve figures from marble, without being distorted, so as to always be able to gain by judgment, by taking away some marble, and to be able to portray and change something, as happens, if necessary…

San Matteo is preserved in the Museo dell’Accademia in Florence.

La tecnica del "non finito"

Michelangelo si era impossessato della tecnica scultorea del “non finito” fin dalla sua a prima opera, la Madonna della Scala, eseguita nel 1491, a 16 anni.

Madonna della Scala

Madonna della Scala, dettaglio

Questa tecnica presuppone che l’ opera in cui viene applicata sia stata terminata, perché Michelangelo ha lasciato alcune sue opere incompiute, e in questi casi ovviamente non siamo difronte alla “tecnica a non finito”.
Ma anche dove tale tecnica è stata volutamente eseguita, si possono distinguere differenti modalità. Nello stiacciato donatelliano della Madonna della Scala i due putti in alto sono volutamente appena accennati, creando nello spettatore alcuni sottili stati d’ animo: l’ attenzione viene indirizzata sulle parti definite della scultura e il senso impressionistico rende sconosciuto e fascinoso il loro agire, lascia allo spettorare la possibilità di vedere qualcosa che non è completamente formato, di “proiettare” cioè su di essi quello che la sua immaginazione gli detta. Queste caratteristiche fanno nascere il senso di mistero che alla fine si riverbera su tutta l’ opera.
Tale tecnica verrà fatta propria dai pittori impressionisti dell’ ‘800, e ci permette di capire quanto la scultura di Michelangelo, nel ‘500, fosse “moderna” e innovativa.
Michelangelo ha usato questa stessa tecnica ma in maniera più pesante e profonda in altri suoi capolavori, dove crea un senso di sospensione delle figure in attesa di nascere, ancora in parte imprigionate nella materia; l’ esempio più chiaro lo si ha nei quattro Prigioni,

Michelangelo, Prigione Barbuto, Galleria dell’Accademia

Michelangelo, Prigione “Atlante”, Galleria dell’Accademia

Michelangelo, Prigione che si desta, Galleria dell’Accademia

Michelangelo, Prigione giovane, Galleria dell’Accademia

che se è vero che non furono terminati, è altrettanto vero che Michelangelo ha eseguito lo sbozzo dei loro blocchi di marmo in modo particolare e non ortodosso, probabilmente per fermare meravigliosamente il momento della liberazione dell’ anima delle sculture dalla materia; si entra quindi con i prigioni nel dubbio: non terminati ma anche in parte eseguiti con molto “non finito”?
Dubbio in quanto i due Schiavi eseguiti nel 1513-1515, prima dei Prigioni scolpiti nel 1525-1530, furono considerati terminati e finiti; ma nel volto dello Schiavo Ribelle la tecnica del “non finito” appare in modo evidentissimo nel volto.

Michelangelo, Schiavo Ribelle, Museo del Louvre

Questo dubbio nasce con forza anche nella Pietà Bandini, gruppo che sappiamo mai del tutto terminato da Michelangelo. Ma i diversi livelli di “non finito” del corpo e del volto di Maria (in contrasto con la politezza del corpo di Cristo ma non del suo volto né della sua mano sinistra), del busto di Nicodemo non ci permettono di avere una risposta certa.

Pietà Bandini

Pietà Bandini, dettaglio

Pietà Bandini, dettaglio

Anche l’uso della sagrina per finire le superfici di alcune sue opere, come nei corpi del Tondo Pitti ad esempio, ci riportano ad un uso sottile del “non finito” voluto e ricercato da Michelangelo in tutte le sue possibilità.

Tondo Pitti

Tondo Pitti, dettaglio

Michelangelo e le sue prime sculture

Parte IV

La seconda scultura che Michelangelo eseguì per l’Arca di San Domenico a Bologna è il SAN PROCOLO, alto poco meno di 60 centimetri.
Lo rappresentò per quello che era, cioè un forte soldato romano cristiano martirizzato a Bologna dai Romani al tempo di Diocleziano: la tunica corta dei soldati chiusa in vita dalla cintura, il mantello, alti calzari e molto probabilmente una lancia nella mano destra che è andata persa.

Michelangelo, San Procolo, Arca di San Domenico, Bologna

Anche in quest’opera è chiaro lo stile michelangiolesco, figura solida, volto accigliato, atteggiamento teso e sicuro evidenziato dal modo di tenere il mantello sulla spalla sinistra, non più delicata e femminea come le figure del Rinascimento.

Nel 1572 fra Ludovico da Prelormo custode dell’ Arca scrive:

“La vigilia del padre San Domenico il povero sventurato fra’ Pelegrino converso roppe la statua di San Procolo, la gettò a terra in più di cinquanta pezzi. Io né ho mai avuto in ottanta anni il più intenso dolore al cuore di questo. Mi credeva certo di morire; vennero i Padri tutti a confortarmi, e molti maestri periti ne l’arte, e così la portarono via e fu aconzia [aggiustata] alla foggia al presente si vede.”

E infatti la figura presenta una serie di rotture più o meno restaurate; chiara quella della testa riattaccata grossolanamente.

Michelangelo, San Procolo, Arca di San Domenico, Bologna, particolare

La terza delle sculture che Michelangelo eseguì per l’Arca di San Domenico è quella di SAN PETRONIO, vescovo e patrono di Bologna, posto al centro dell’Arca tra gli altri due santi precedentemente eseguiti da Niccolò dell’Arca

Arca di San Domenico, Bologna

Il Santo guarda davanti a se, porta la tiara e un lungo mantello dalla caotiche ma studiatissime pieghe chiuso da un fermaglio davanti al petto, più complesse dei mantelli degli altri due Santi.
Il volto è riconoscibilissimo come opera di Michelangelo.

Michelangelo, San Petronio, Arca di San Domenico, Bologna

Michelangelo, San Petronio, Arca di San Domenico, Bologna, particolare

La caratteristica particolare è la città di Bologna che tiene in alto tra le mani, sostenendone il peso a fatica sbilanciando l’anca e tendendo i tendini dei polsi; Michelangelo si è ispirato alla statua dello stesso Santo eseguita da Jacopo della Quercia e posta sulla porta centrale della basilica di San Petronio di Bologna, ma in controparte.

Michelangelo, San Procolo, Fusione in bronzo statuario postuma da calco eseguito sull’originale dalla Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli di Firenze

Michelangelo, San Petronio, Fusione in bronzo statuario postuma da calco eseguito sull’originale dalla Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli di Firenze

Michelangelo in Florence, the Slaves

In November 1518 Michelangelo, in Florence for the façade of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, purchased a piece of land in via Mozza (today the last part of the current via S. Zanobi which opens onto via delle Ruote) and in 1519 there he had his sculpture studio built of around 200 m2, with a small garden at the back.
Before moving permanently to Rome in 1534, he had worked on the Medici Tombs for the New Sacristy of the church of S. Lorenzo.

Michelangelo, wooden model for the façade of San Lorenzo, 1518, Casa Buonarroti

On 9 April 1519, a block of marble that he had purchased in Carrara, in the Fantiscritti quarry, was brought to him in a cart pulled by 5 oxen, and subsequently many others for the New Sacristy and for the enormous project of the Tomb for Pope Julius II.

Diagram of the first project of the tomb of Julius II. Slaves were provided at the base

Giacomo Rocchetti, drawing of the tomb of Julius II foreseen in the second contract. from 1513, Slaves are still present, Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin

Michelangelo, lower part of the drawing of the tomb of Julius II foreseen in the second contract of 1513, the Slaves are still present, Uffizi

In 1534 he moved permanently to Rome, leaving wax and clay models, marbles and sculptures in his studio in Florence, which were stolen during the siege of Florence in 1529. Some were later recovered or remained, in particular the four Prisoners (or Slaves) unfinished, also designed for the tomb of Julius II.
In fact, in the first pharaonic project, this should have had 16 to 20 prisons one and a half times larger than life at the bottom, which emerged from and emerged from the block of marble. As we know, the first project did not come to fruition because in 1513 the tomb was redesigned in smaller forms where the Prisoners should have become 12. In 1516 a third project made the tomb even smaller and the Prisoners should have become 8. In the following 2 other projects increasingly reduced in 1526 and 1532 they would become 4. In the definitive project of 1542 (the sixth) the Prisons were no longer included.

In 1550 Eleonora of Toledo, wife of Cosimo I, purchased the Pitti Palace to move her family and the entire court there, including the land on the rear façade of the Palace, which she had transformed into the splendid Boboli Gardens.

Giusto Utens, Lunette with Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens, 1599, Villa La Petraia

The four Florentine Prisons included in the project for the tomb of Julius II and then no longer needed remained in the studio in via Mozza and were donated in 1564 by Leonardo Buonarroti, Michelangelo’s nephew, to Grand Duke Cosimo I.
Duke Francesco I, son of Cosimo and his successor, had Buontalenti build an artificial cave with several rooms covered with fake rocks between 1583 and 1593 (Vasari designed the entrance), in which he had the 4 Prisoners set as if they were struggling to be born and out of the rocks. And they remained there until the early 1900s when they were taken to the Accademia Gallery.
They were subsequently reinserted into the original positions of the plaster replicas.

Boboli Gardens, Vasari’s entrance to Buontalenti’s cave

The anatomical study of the Bearded Slave is surprising: the muscular torso in torsion, the right arm raised in the exceptional pose of holding himself and clutching his bent head. Despite being the most finished of the four, the powerful spread legs held by a band, still united to the rock that generates them as well as the still unformed left hand, give an exceptional sense of awakening, of powerful strength, of a Pagan divinity in the process of appear in the Olympus of the gods, characteristics made vibrant also by the surfaces that show the marks of the chisels with which Michelangelo was giving birth to them.

Michelangelo, Barbuto Slave, Accademia Gallery

The Slave Atlas, unfinished, seems to have his head inside the block of marble which holds with effort both his legs spread apart and bent and his left arm whose muscles are in tension. The figure tries to free itself from the stone from which it was born and it is the unfinished state that amplifies and highlights the energy that the Slave is about to unleash.

Michelangelo, “Atlas” Slave, Accademia Gallery

The Awakening Slave: a powerful male figure turns in the marble that still grips him. His face is rough-hewn. The right leg and the left arm, although still hinted at, unlike the torso which is finished, form an “S” curve which amplifies the sensation of awakening not yet free from the rock in which it is stuck. Also in this Slave, as in the other three, the limbs and anatomies are massive and powerful.

Michelangelo, Awakening Slave, Accademia Gallery

The Young Slave is little more than rough-hewn, the only part to which Michelangelo gave a first smoothing is the knee: the part of the body that protrudes and which first emerged from the marble. The giant seems to wake up as he emerges from the rock that wants to give birth to him. Even the pose of the bent arm covering part of the face and the outstretched knee speak of a birth. And in fact he is the youngest of the four. The only muscular masses are those of the torso, barely mentioned, but even so they speak of divinities of great strength and power, power that the slave takes from the earth and the rock from which he is detaching himself.

Michelangelo, Young Slave, Accademia Gallery

Michelangelo, Young Slave, cast in posthumous statuary bronze from a mould made on the original byFonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli of Florence

— — —

Michelangelo, Barbuto Slave, Posthumous statuary bronze casting from a mould made on the original by Fonderia Artistica Ferdinando Marinelli of Florence

Michelangelo, the Bacchus

Vasari in the Lives, referring to Michelangelo, writes of:

…un Dio d’amore, d’età di sei anni in sette, à iacere in guisa d’huom che dorma…

[…a God of love, aged from six years to seven, lying in the guise of a sleeping man…]

alluding to the marble statuette that Michelangelo had sculpted in 1496 upon his return to Florence, when he was once again hosted by Lorenzo dei Medici the Popolano, cousin of Lorenzo the Magnificent.

Lorenzo dei Medici “il Popolano”, Botticelli, 1479, Palazzo Pitti.

We also know about it thanks to a letter from Antonio Maria Pico della Mirandola dated 1496 to Isabella d’Este, where he writes:

… Un Cupido che giace e dorme posato su una mano: è integro ed è lungo circa 4 spanne, ed è bellissimo; c’è chi lo ritiene antico e chi moderno; comunque sia, è ritenuto ed è perfettissimo.

[… A Cupid lying and sleeping resting on one hand: it is intact and is about 4 spans long, and it is beautiful; there are those who consider it ancient and those who consider it modern; in any case, it is considered and is very perfect.]

The statue was “four spans” long, i.e. about 80 cm, but has been lost, and the proposed identification with the Sleeping Cupid preserved in the Museum of Palazzo San Sebastiano in Mantua is much discussed and unlikely.

Sleeping Cupid, Palazzo San Sebastiano City Museum

It was commissioned by the Medici. It was 1496, the year in which Savonarola and his followers censored every work of art considered licentious; so it was that the Putto was brought to Rome and buried in a vineyard to make it “antique” and sell it as a Roman artefact. Michelangelo was probably unaware of it.
The trick was successful, so much so that it was purchased by Raffaele Riario, Cardinal of San Giorgio, a famous art collector, through the intermediary Baldassare del Milanese for 200 ducats. But the Milanese only brought Michelangelo an advance of 20 ducats.

Cardinal Raffaele Riario (center), Raphael, 1512, Bolsena Mass, Vatican Rooms

Riario realized he had been cheated, but the work was so perfect that instead of wanting his money back he wanted to meet the artist who had sculpted it. He then sent his banker friend Jacopo Galli to Florence to bring the author of the Putto to Rome. Galli convinced Michelangelo, unaware of the scam, that having arrived in Rome in the presence of the cardinal with a letter of introduction from Lorenzo dei Medici the Popolano, having only had 20 scudi in Florence, he wanted his sculpture back.
Riario became furiously angry with Michelangelo, saying that he had paid for it and it belonged to him.
It was with this event that Michelangelo saw a new world of work open up in Rome largely through Galli, a very important and influential banker, who hosted him in his palace.

The Bacchus

And in fact a few days things began to go better: on 4 July 1496 Cardinal Riario asked him to sculpt a pagan work for him, the BACCHUS. He completed it in a year, delivering it in 1497.
The mythological divinity is represented in a naturalistical way with the insecure gait of a young god drunk on wine, the contrapposto pose is slightly unbalanced, the head bent and the eyes distorted by the liquor, the body is soft and slightly feminine also highlighted by the belly slightly swollen also due to drinking. He holds the cup of wine in his hand, and two bunches of grapes hang between his curls. With his other hand he holds the leopard skin, an animal dear to the god.

Hidden behind him, a young satyr leaning on his left leg in a seductive pose eats grapes sitting on a cut tree trunk. The beautiful satyr also has a function of support and reinforcement of the work whose weight falls on the leg on which the satyr rests.

Michelangelo, Bacchus, Bargello Museum, detail

Michelangelo, Bacchus, Bargello Museum, detail

Cardinal Riario rejected the work, which was too little similar to the Roman depictions of Dionysus and therefore too lascivious for a member of the Church.
The banker Galli collected it with great pleasure and placed it in the center of his garden. The Dutch painter Maarten Van Heemserck saw the work in the Riario garden in 1532 and drew it. The cup and the right hand appear missing and the penis also appears to have been broken: the hand and cup seen today are an ancient addition.

Drawing by Maarten van Heemskerck, 1535, The Bacchus in the Riario collection of ancient works

Bacchus is preserved and exhibited at the Bargello Museum.

Michelangelo’s Bacchus exhibited at the Bargello Museum

Posthumous statuary bronze casting from a cast made on the original by the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence

Michelangelo and his first sculptures

Part III

Lorenzo the Magnificent had hosted Michelangelo for 4 years in his palace in Via Larga, having him at the table with him and with various guests every day, including the humanists of the Platonic Academy.
In 1492, upon the death of Lorenzo, Michelangelo was exiled from the Medici palace. He was forced to return to his father’s house.

Palazzo Medici after the eighteenth-century enlargement of the Riccardi family

Vasari in his “Lives of the most excellent painters, sculptors and architects” of 1568:

…Era da poco morto Lorenzo il Magnifico quando il giovane Michelagnolo non ancora ventenne si accinse a scolpire un Crocifisso di legno, che si posa sopra il mezzo tondo dell’ altare maggiore, a compiacenza del priore il quale gli diede comodità di stanze…

[…Lorenzo the Magnificent had recently died when the young Michelagnolo, not yet twenty years old, set about sculpting a wooden Crucifix, which rests above the half round of the main altar, at the pleasure of the prior who gave him comfort of rooms…]

It was in this period that Michelangelo dedicated himself to the study of human anatomy through the dissection of corpses. Thanks to the intercession of Piero dei Medici the Fatuous, who succeeded Lorenzo the Magnificent, he obtained permission from the prior of the convent of Santo Spirito, Lapo Bicchiellini, to dissect the bodies of the male cadavers that arrived from the convent hospital.
He performed them at night so as not to risk being accused of necromancy by the inquisition, also performing anatomical drawings.

Piero di Lorenzo dei Medici known as the Fatuo, Ghirlandaio, 1494, Miniature, National Library of Naples

Convent of Santo Spirito, Great Cloister

Michelangelo, anatomical drawing, Casa Buonarroti

It was out of thanks that Michelangelo sculpted and donated a wooden crucifix to the prior of the convent, now kept in the New Sacristy of the church of Santo Spirito, a masterpiece of elegance and sweetness.

Michelangelo, Wooden Christ, New Sacristy, Santo Spirito

At the end of the 1400s the political situation in Florence was changing dramatically, Savonarola’s sermons were increasingly listened to, and there was a sense of the fall of the Medici wanted by Charles VIII, King of France.

Girolamo Savonarola, Fra Bartolommeo, 1497, Museum of San Marco

Michelangelo in Bologna

Michelangelo preferred to leave the city and, together with his friends Granacci and the Flemish Johannes Cordier, known as the Cordiere, lyre player at Palazzo Medici, went to Venice, where he remained for a short period, then heading to Bologna. Here he was welcomed by Giovan Francesco Aldrovandi, a trusted man of the lord of Bologna Giovanni Bentivoglio, and through him he received the commission to create three sculptures for the fourteenth-century Ark of San Domenico created by Nicola Pisano and Niccolò dell’Arca, which was not yet completed.

Francesco Granacci

Ark of San Domenico, Nicola Pisano and Niccolò dell’Arca, sec. XIV, Church of S. Domenico, Bologna

The Angel Candle Holder

He executed the missing ANGEL CANDLE HOLDER in the right corner of the Ark, matching the one existing in the left corner executed by Niccolò dell’Arca.

Michelangelo, Angel Candle Holder, ca. 1495, Arca di San Domenico, Bologna

Niccolò dell’Arca, Angel Candle Holder, ca. 1470, Arca di San Domenico, Bologna

Both angels are kneeling; Niccolò dell’Arca had sculpted an elegant and refined angel, in Renaissance style, with almost feminine characteristics.

Niccolò dell’ Arca, Angel Candle Holder, Arca di San Domenico, ca. 1470, Bologna

Michelangelo and the Vatican Pietà

Vasari, regarding the Pietà, writes in his “Vite”:
…Alla quale opera non pensi mai scultore né artefice raro potere aggiugnere di disegno né di grazia, né con fatica poter mai di finitezza, pulitezza e di straforare il marmo tanto con arte quanto Michelagnolo vi fece, perché si scorge in quella tutto il valore et il potere dell’arte. Fra le cose belle [che] vi sono, oltra i panni divini suoi, si scorge il morto Cristo: e non si pensi alcuno di bellezza di membra e d’artificio di corpo vedere uno ignudo tanto ben ricerco di muscoli, vene, nerbi sopra l’ossatura di quel corpo, né ancora un morto più simile al morto di quello. Quivi è dolcissima aria di testa, et una concordanza nelle appiccature e congiunture delle braccia e in quelle del corpo e delle gambe, i polsi e le vene lavorate, che in vero si maraviglia lo stupore che mano d’artefice abbia potuto sì divinamente e propriamente fare in pochissimo tempo cosa sì mirabile: che certo è un miracolo che un sasso, da principio senza forma nessuna, si sia mai ridotto a quella perfezzione che la natura affatica suol formar nella carne…

[…To which work no sculptor or craftsman should ever think of the rare ability to achieve in design or grace, nor with effort ever be able to finish, clean and pierce the marble with as much art as Michelagnolo did, because in it one can see all the value and the power of art. Among the beautiful things [that] are there, beyond his divine clothes, the dead Christ is seen: and let no one think of the beauty of the limbs and the artifice of the body to see a naked man so well refined with muscles, veins and nerves above the skeleton of that body, nor yet a dead man more similar to the dead than that. Here there is a very sweet air of the head, and a concordance in the joints and joints of the arms and in those of the body and legs, the wrists and the veins worked, that in truth one marvels in amazement that the hand of an artisan could have been able to so divinely and properly to do something so wonderful in a very short time: that it is certainly a miracle that a stone, from the beginning without any form, has ever been reduced to that perfection that nature usually works hard to form in the flesh…]

The Pietà

At the age of 24, in 1499, Michelangelo executed his masterpiece, the VATICAN PIETA. The banker Jacopo Galli had become a great admirer and close friend of him, so much so that he had hosted him in his palace in Rome. He had also become his guarantor and intermediary, and it was thanks to Galli that in 1496 Michelangelo had the commission of the Pietà for Jean de Bilhères, abbot of San Dionigi, ambassador to Rome of Charles VIII of France to Pope Alexander VI.

Charles VIII of France, French School, Palace of Versailles

Having received a deposit of 150 ducats out of the agreed upon 450 ducats in 1497, he went on horseback to the Carrara marble quarries to find the right marble. Having returned to Rome, on 27 August 1497 he signed the official contract in the presence of Galli, with the commitment to complete the work in one year, a contract which stated:

Et io Jacopo Galli prometto al reverendissimo Monsignore che lo dicto Michelangelo farà la dicta opera in fra un anno e sarà la più bella opera di marmo che sia oge in Roma, e che maestro niuno la farìa megliore oge.
Nel contratto di allogazione era stato specificato che sarebbe stata Una Pietà di marmo, cioè una Vergine Maria vestita con un Cristo morto nudo in braccio.

[And I, Jacopo Galli, promise the most reverend Monsignor that the said Michelangelo will do the said work in a year’s time and it will be the most beautiful marble work of any time in Rome, and that no master will do it better than any other.
In the contract it was specified that it would be a marble Pietà, that is, a dressed Virgin Mary with a naked dead Christ in her arms.]

He kept his commitment by delivering the masterpiece in 1499, which was taken to Santa Petronilla where the ambassador wanted to be buried.

In 1517 the Pietà was moved to St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, where it changed places several times, until in 1749 it was placed in the first chapel on the right of the nave of the basilica where it still resides today.

Michelangelo, Vatican Pietà, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City

The beautiful face of the Madonna portrayed as a young woman (Virgin Mother, Daughter of your Son, Dante, first verse of canto XXIII of Paradise) at the age in which she conceived him, maintains a composed pose in pain as she looks at the body of her Son.
Christ is completely released on the knees of the Mother who does not directly touch the sacred body of her son, an edge of the shroud is placed between her right hand and his body. The Madonna’s left hand has a gesture of desperate question.
The rock on which she sits is Mount Golgotha, as the biographer Condivi says in the “Life of Michelagnolo Buonarroti” published in Rome in 1553:

…A sedere sul sasso, dove fu fitta la Croce, col figliuol morto in grembo, di tanta e così rara bellezza, che nessun la vede che dentro a pietà non si commuova…

[…Sitting on the stone, where the Cross was placed, with her dead son in her lap, of such and such rare beauty, that no one sees it who is not moved by pity…]

Michelangelo, Vatican Pietà, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City

Michelangelo, Vatican Pietà, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City

Michelangelo, Vatican Pietà, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, details

The perfection of the anatomies reproduced in an exceptional way favors the beauty that the work emanates together with the tenderness and torment for the death of Christ.
Even the folds of the dress and the shroud are reproduced in a masterly manner, almost like fabric transformed into marble, or marble transformed into fabric.
Unlike most of his other works, in this one Michelangelo wanted to smooth and polish the surfaces, making the skin translucent like alabaster.

Michelangelo wrote his name on this single work, that is, he signed it in Roman characters on the band that crosses the Madonna’s chest: MICHAEL AGELVS BONAROTUS FLOREN FACIEBAT.

Michelangelo, Vatican Pietà, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, detail

The Pietà has suffered various damages over time and has therefore also undergone various repairs and restorations. The last one was in 1972 when a madman shouting “I am Jesus Christ” took a hammer to the work, damaging it in various parts.

White Carrara marble hand-sculpted in the Bazzanti Studio, posthumous original from a cast made on the original by the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence

Posthumous statuary bronze casting from a cast made on the original by the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence

Michelangelo and his first sculptures

Part II

Vasari, in the 1568 edition of the “Vite” continues:

…Dove in questo tempo consigliato dal Poliziano, uomo nelle lettere singulare, Michelagnolo fece in un pezzo di marmo datogli da quel signore [Lorenzo il Magnifico] la battaglia di Ercole coi centauri, che fu tanto bella che talvolta per chi ora la considera non par di mano di giovane, ma di maestro pregiato e consumato negli studii e pratico in quell’arte. Ella è oggi in casa sua tenuta per memoria di Lionardo suo nipote come cosa rara che ell’è…

…Where at this time advised by Poliziano, a singular man in letters, Michelagnolo painted on a piece of marble given to him by that lord [Lorenzo the Magnificent] the battle of Hercules with the centaurs, which was so beautiful that sometimes for those who now consider it it does not seem by the hand of a young man, but of a esteemed master, consummate in his studies and practiced in that art. She is today kept in his house in memory of his nephew Lionardo as a rare thing that she is…

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti

The first written mention of this high relief is in a letter sent by the Gonzaga agent in Florence, Giovanni Borromeo, to the Marquis of Mantua Federico. The agent writes that he wants a certain painting of “figure jude, che combattono, di marmore, quale havea principiato ad istantia di un gran signore [Lorenzo il Magnifico] ma non è finito. E’ braccia uno e mezzo a ogni mane, et così a vedere è cosa bellissima e vi sono più di 25 teste e 20 corpi varii, et varie attitudine fanno.”

“Naked figures, fighting, in marble, which was begun at the request of a great lord [Lorenzo the Magnificent] but was not finished. It is one and a half arm lengths on each hand, and thus it is a very beautiful thing to look at and there are more of 25 heads and 20 various bodies, and various attitudes they make.”


This high relief, as well as the Madonna della Scala, were executed by Michelangelo for his personal taste, incited by Lorenzo the Magnificent, but without any real client. He began it after finishing the bas-relief of the Madonna della Scala, but was unable to finish it: in 1492 Lorenzo the Magnificent, with whom he had a filial relationship, died; Michelangelo was shocked.

According to Vasari the subject would have been the battle of Hercules against the Centaurs, while Condivi, in his Life of Michelagnolo Buonarroti writes that it was the rape of Deianira and the fight of the Centaurs, probably due to the presence of some female figures: a behind the central figure above and another on the far right strangling a man.

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail with female heads

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail with a female body

After his experience in the Donatellian-inspired Madonna della Scala, Michelangelo wanted to try his hand at a high relief in which he could sculpt human bodies in various poses and attitudes. The realization of the plans is certainly less successful than the bas-relief of the Madonna, perhaps also because the relief was not finished.

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail

It is not clear whether the surfaces of the few figures that appear to have been finished would have received subsequent processing with rasps and abrasives to make the marble skin smooth and shiny; it is more likely, however, that Michelangelo wanted to leave the surface with the light marks of the steps, as he then did in other subsequent works by him.

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail

The work is composed of a mass of tangled figures that are difficult to distinguish, fighting with each other and moving around the central one who has his arm raised above his head and who represents the central apex of the ideal triangle that all the characters make up. On the left a man depicted entirely while, twisting to the right, is about to throw a large stone and an old man on the left edge is preparing to throw a boulder.

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail

On the left a group of characters fighting in an inextricable knot of bodies and arms, below the wounded lying and sitting among which is the body of a Centaur.

Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492, Casa Buonarroti, detail

Michelangelo was probably inspired both by the Roman sarcophagi and probably by the high reliefs of the Pulpit of the Cathedral by Giovanni Pisano; However, he certainly must have been inspired by the lost wax cast bronze bas-relief created in 1480 by Bertoldo di Giovanni, director and teacher in the Garden of San Marco where the young Michelangelo studied for some years.

Roman sarcophagus of Portonaccio, 180 AD, Pal. Massimo alle Terme, Rome

Giovanni Pisano, Massacre of the Innocents, Pulpit of the Cathedral, ca. 1310, Pisa

Bertoldo di Giovanni, Battle between Romans and Barbarians, 1480, Bargello

Posthumous casting from a cast made on the Casa Buonarroti original by the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence

Unique silver specimen at the Michelangelo Museum, Battle Ground, WA, USA

Michelangelo, the Madonna of Bruges

In 1501 Michelangelo had returned to Florence from Rome, and was working on the execution of the great David. Through the banker Jacopo Galli, his friend and guarantor, the two Mouscron brothers, Flemish fabric merchants, clients of Galli’s bank, commissioned Michelangelo to create the sculpture of a Madonna and Child for their chapel in the church of Our Lady of Bruges.

Church of Our Lady of Bruges

Church of Our Lady of Bruges, facade

Michelangelo’s Madonna inside the Church of Our Lady of Bruges

Michelangelo’s Madonna in the niche inside the Church of Our Lady of Bruges

The agreed fee was 4,000 florins, a very high sum promised to Michelangelo probably to convince him to find the time to carry it out even though he was working on other works; they were given to him in two payments between 1503 and 1505.

This would also be confirmed by the fact that Michelangelo sculpted it, keeping it hidden until he embarked in Viareggio towards Flanders around 1506. Giovanni Balducci in Rome on 14 August 1506 wrote to Michelangelo:

…Michelagnolo carissimo, resto avisato chome Francesco del Puglese avrebbe chomodità al mandarla a Vioreggio, e da Vioreggio in Fiandra…

[…My dearest Michelagnolo, I am advised that Francesco del Puglese would be happy to send you to Viareggio, and from Viareggio to Flanders…]

The Madonna of Bruges

Not even his biographers knew exactly what it was: Condivi thought it was a bronze sculpture, Vasari thought it was a round one.
Michelangelo wrote to his father in this sense:

…Prego voi che duriate un pocho di fatica in qusta due cose, cio è in fare. Riporre quella cassa [contenente la Madonna] al coperto in luogo sicuro; l’altra è quella nostra Donna di marmo, similmente vorrei la faciessi portare costì in casa e non la lasciassi vedere a persona…

[…I ask you to make a little effort in these two things, that is, in doing. Place that crate [containing the Madonna] indoors in a safe place; the other is that Marble Woman of ours, similarly I would like to have her brought into the house and not let anyone see her…]

While he was sculpting it, he still had his previous Vatican Pietà in mind: this can be understood in a particular way from the similarity of the faces of the two Madonnas, both with their gaze turned downwards, and the veil on their heads. The Child’s body presents a twist that seems to be due to his sliding on the Mother’s dress while he holds on to his left hand and leans with his feet on the edge of her dress, as if he wanted to get off her lap.
The Madonna, on the other hand, is perfectly still and absorbed in the thought of the terrible end that her Son will meet.

Michelangelo, Madonna of Bruges, detail of the Madonna

Michelangelo, Vatican Pietà, detail

Michelangelo, Madonna of Bruges, detail of the Child

The Madonna was taken and transported to Paris by Napoleon, and was returned in 1815. In 1944 it was stolen by the Nazis and taken to Germany, it was discovered in 1946 hidden in a mine in Altaussee in Austria and was brought back to Bruges.

Posthumous original statuary bronze casting from a mould made on the original by the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence

Michelangelo and his first sculptures

Part I

Michelangelo was born in 1475 in Caprese in the province of Arezzo by pure chance: his father Ludovico Buonarroti, a Florentine, was temporarily mayor of the castle of Chiusi and Caprese. After his birth the family returned to live in Settignano, a town of stonemasons and sculptors, where they had a modest villa.

Villa of Buonarroti in Settignano

In 1487, when he was just twelve years old, he abandoned his studies to go to Ghirlandaio’s workshop, but shortly afterwards he left the workshop to go and study in the Garden of San Marco created for this purpose by Lorenzo the Magnificent.

Domenico Ghirlandaio, self-portrait in the Adoration of the Magi, 1488, Ospedale degl’Innocenti

Lorenzo the Magnificent, bust by Verrocchio, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

Vasari, in the 1568 edition of the “Lives” tells us:

Lorenzo vedendo sì bello spirito lo tenne sempre in molta aspettazione, et egli inanimito dopo alcuni giorni si misse a contrafare con un pezzo di marmo una testa che v’era d’un fauno vecchio antico e grinzo, che era guasta nel naso e nella bocca rideva. Dove a Michelagnolo, che non aveva mai più tocco marmo né scarpegli, successe il contrafarla così bene, che il Magnifico ne stupì, e visto che fuor della antica testa di sua fantasia gli aveva trapanato la bocca e fattogli la lingua e vedere tutti i denti, burlando quel signore con piacevolezza, come era suo solito, gli disse: “Tu doveresti pur sapere che i vecchi non hanno mai tutti i denti e sempre qualcuno ne manca loro”. Parve a Michelagnolo in quella semplicità, temendo et amando quel signore, che gli dicesse il vero; né prima si fu partito, che subito gli roppe un dente e trapanò la gengìa di maniera, che pareva che gli fussi caduto; et aspettando con desiderio il ritorno del Magnifico, che venuto e veduto la semplicità e bontà di Michelagnolo, se ne rise più d’una volta contandola per miracolo a’ suoi amici; e fatto proposito di aiutare e favorire Michelagnolo, mandò per Lodovico suo padre e gliene chiese, dicendogli che lo voleva tenere come un de’ suoi figliuoli, et egli volentieri lo concesse; dove il Magnifico gli ordinò in casa sua [Palazzo Medici di via Larga] una camera, e lo faceva attendere, dove del continuo mangiò alla tavola sua co’ suoi figliuoli et altre persone degne e di nobiltà, che stavano col Magnifico, dal quale fu onorato. E questo fu l’anno seguente che si era acconcio con Domenico, che aveva Michelagnolo da quindici anni o sedici; e stette in quella casa quattro anni…

[Lorenzo, seeing such a beautiful spirit, always kept him in great anticipation, and after a few days he, courageously, began to imitate with a piece of marble a head that there was of an ancient and wrinkled old faun, which was damaged in the nose and mouth. laughed. Where Michelagnolo, who had never touched marble or shoes again, succeeded in forging it so well that the Magnificent was amazed, and seeing that out of the ancient head of his imagination he had drilled his mouth and made his tongue and seen all his teeth , mocking that gentleman pleasantly, as was his wont, said to him: “You should know that old people never have all their teeth and are always missing some.” He seemed to Michelagnolo in that simplicity, fearing and loving that gentleman, who told him the truth; no sooner had he left than he immediately broke one of his teeth and drilled his jaw in such a way that it looked as if it had fallen out; and waiting with longing for the return of the Magnificent, who having come and seen the simplicity and goodness of Michelagnolo, laughed at it more than once, counting it as a miracle to his friends; and having resolved to help and favor Michelagnolo, he sent for Lodovico, his father, and asked him, telling him that he wanted to keep him as one of his sons, and he willingly granted him; where the Magnificent arranged a room for him in his house [Palazzo Medici in via Larga], and made him wait, where he continually ate at his table with his children and other worthy and noble people who were staying with the Magnificent, by whom he was honored. And this was the following year that he had settled down with Domenico, who had had Michelagnolo for fifteen or sixteen years; and he stayed in that house for four years…]

The story of the faun’s head is also confirmed by Condivi in his Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti published in 1553.

Vasari, Vite, edition of 1568

Condivi, Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1553

The head is lost; it is unlikely that it was the one taken away by the Nazis during the war, attributed by some to Michelangelo and of which a mould remains in the Casa Buonarroti.

Michelangelo (attribution), mould of the head of a satyr, Casa Buonarroti

The Madonna of the Stairs

Vasari tells us that Michelangelo’s first known sculptural work is the Madonna of the Stairs, which Buonarroti executed at the age of 16, in 1491:

… il quale Lionardo [Buonarroti nipote di Michelangelo] non è molti anni che aveva in casa per memoria di suo zio una Nostra Donna di basso rilievo di mano di Michelagnolo di marmo alta poco più d’un braccio, nella quale sendo giovanetto in questo tempo medesimo, volendo contrafare la maniera di Donatello si portò sì bene che par di man sua, eccetto che vi si vede più grazia e più disegno. Questa donò Lionardo poi al duca Cosimo Medici, il quale la tiene per cosa singularissima, non essendoci di sua mano altro basso rilievo che questo di scultura.

[… which Lionardo [Buonarroti, Michelangelo’s nephew] had in his house not many years ago, in memory of his uncle, a low-relief Our Lady in marble by the hand of Michelagnolo, little more than an arm’s length high, in which he was a young man at this time himself, wishing to imitate Donatello’s manner, he acquitted himself so well that it seems to be his own hand, except that there is more grace and more design. Lionardo then donated this to Duke Cosimo Medici, who considers it to be a very singular thing, as there is no other low relief by his hand other than this one in sculpture.]

The bas-relief measures approximately 56cm x 40cm, carved on a very thin marble slab.
The exceptional perspective rendering of multiple planes in a few millimeters of thickness is inspired by Donatello’s “stiacciato” bas-reliefs, as Vasari also states. Particularly fascinating is the staircase which has 5 steps, and therefore 5 different floors, obtained with millimetric relief; staircase that alludes to Christ’s descent to earth and man’s ascent to heaven through the Madonna.

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs, detail of the thickness of the bas-relief

Donatello, Madonna and Child (Dudley Madonna), ca. 1440, V&A Museum

The Madonna is sitting on a cubic block, completely wrapped in a delicate drapery, with her left she embraces the Child sitting on her lap, with her right she uncovers her breast to breastfeed him.
She occupies almost the entire bas-relief, thus obtaining a monumental appearance, and both due to the opposing pose of her arms, the crossing of her feet and the twisting of the child, she assumes a spiral movement.

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs, detail

The study of the drapery which rests with great skill and elegance on the cubic seat and follows its shape, recalls Donatello’s Madonna of Dudley.

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs, detail

The Virgin does not look at the Child but her eyes are lost in space, foreseeing the cruel fate that her son will have, as already appears in the fifteenth-century Madonnas by Luca della Robbia.

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs, detail

Luca della Robbia, Madonna with Child, Spedale degli Innocenti

Luca della Robbia, Madonna with Child of Trebbio, Berlin, Bode Museum

Luca della Robbia, Madonna of Foiano, detail

Andrea della Robbia, Madonna with Child, S. Michele in Foro, Lucca

Particularly strong is the Child’s musculature which, also due to the position of the arm bent backwards, an abandoned arm prefiguring future death and reminiscent of that of the Farnese Hercules, makes him assume an original position from behind, with his face hidden.

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs, detail

Farnese Hercules, Glycon of Athens, 3rd century AD, National Archaeological Museum, Naples

At the top of the staircase, two barely visible putti are fighting or dancing while a third leans over the balustrade of the stairs to hold a cloth held on the opposite side by another barely visible putto, perhaps the shroud of Jesus. It is in these details of the putti that Michelangelo already in this first sculpture of his he makes use of the so-called “unfinished” to highlight and shade the figures placed on different planes.

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs, detail

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs, detail

Michelangelo, Madonna of the Stairs, detail

As Vasari tells us, the Madonna della Scala was inherited by his nephew Leonardo who subsequently donated it to Cosimo I dei Medici in 1568. But in 1616 Cosimo II returned it to Michelangelo Buonarroti the Younger who kept it in the family palace in Via Ghibellina, which later became the Museum of the Casa Buonarroti.

Posthumous statuary bronze casting from a mould made on the Casa Buonarroti original by the Ferdinando Marinelli Artistic Foundry of Florence